opere di Spinoza

Biblioteca di Spinoza
libri posseduti dal filosofo

testi su Spinoza, polemica antispinozista, storia dello spinozismo

lemmi di opere enciclopediche e lessici specifici

elenco degli autori presenti nell'archivio

autori/Ha-Levi, Joshua

Biografia Ha-Levi, Joshua

«[A] complete methodological work was written by Rabbi Joshua ha-Levi of Talmisan, North Africa, by the name of Halikoth Olam (The Ways of the World, i. e. the world of Jewish law and religion). In his preface, the author tells how he came to write the book. He fled his native country on account of persecutions that broke out there in 1467 and went to Castile. On arriving in Toledo, he found a patron in Don Vidal ben Labi, and at the latter’s request, wrote this book in order to instruct him in the ways of the Talmud» (Meyer Waxman, History of Jewish Literature, 6 voll., Kessinger Publishing, Whitefish, MT, 2003, vol. II, pp. 192-193).

Opere dell'autore presenti nell'archivio

Halikot ‘olam ‘im mevo’ hagemara’